Email Marketing and Audience Nurturing Campaigns
The challenge of being a brand in a new product category is that potential customers haven’t tried our products and aren’t sure what quality to expect. In collaboration with our copywriter, I developed informative and compelling email flows that educated the audience about Proxies offerings, built trust through customer and press quotes, provided exclusive incentives and positioned Proxies as an authority in the non-alc space. 
Each email supported the brand's identity by incorporating captivating imagery, vibrant colours and persuasive copy. Our open rates, click-through rates, and conversions attested to increased audience engagement, higher open and click-through rates and increased conversions. I am a strong believer in the power of email marketing and audience nurturing in driving growth and delivering results.

Paid Media Ads
To drive top-of-funnel attention and retarget website visitors, I created brand-aligned designs optimized for various screen sizes. These visually striking and concise calls-to-action successfully boosted brand exposure and brought browsers back to our website.
Print Design
A selection of brochures, postcards and booklets I designed for monthly and quarterly Proxies drops.
Social Media Templates
I created a series of templates to use on social media including customer quotes, press reviews and tasting events.
Reels for Instagram
I created a number of videos and gifs for use on social media.
E-commerce and Campaign Photography
During my time at Proxies, I delivered high-quality photographs that were vital to product launches and evergreen content. I led art direction and pre-production including creating mood boards, shot lists, selecting and souring prop, backgrounds and food. On set, I styled props, food and Proxies. I set up lights and captured beautiful images. Afterward I colour graded and retouched to ensure our editorial aesthetics were met.
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